Family Raised Australian Shepherds, Scottish Terriers, Toy Poodles. Located in Fayetteville, AR.
Meet Our Aussies
The Wiggle Butts Of The Family

Not Of This World Red Ryder (Ryder)
Ryder is cleared through parentage on his panels. Ryder came out of our 2020 Bonnie and Titus cross. He is the sweetest most goofiest boy, but incredibly intelligent at the same time. He’s been a real pleasure to watch grow and develop along the way. He has one of the best temperaments I’ve ever seen and is a happy go lucky boy that is always aiming to please.

Lotta Spots NOTW Denim And Lace (Denim)
Blue Merle Female 1 brown eye & 1 brown eye with a blue fleck AKC Registered
Our beautiful Denim comes to us from Lotta Spots Ranch. She is one of the sweetest girls we have and definitely the most vocal. If she doesn’t agree with what you’re telling her to do she will definitely tell you so. She is always obedient, but she will make darn sure you know if she doesn’t agree with what you are telling her to do. She resembles her grandfather, Running C Billy The Kid at IQ Ranch. She has some Freestyle, Hanging Tree, Slash V lines in her. She is low to medium drive. She carries only 1 copy of the MDR1 gene, meaning she is not affected. She is clear on everything else on the Australian Shepherd panel.

Not Of This World Narcissa the Ice Princess (Snow)
Snow is an up and coming homegrown pup. She’s as gentle and biddable as they come with a sweetheart of a temperament to match. She will be paired with our up and coming stud, Shane, later in 2023.

Moss’ Cross Creek Rising Star @ NOTWAS (Shane)
Shane is our up and coming stud. He comes to us from Moss’ Cross Creek Aussies. He is the full package. Goofy, sweet and incredibly smart, so he’s been a breeze to train. We’re so excited to see what the future holds for this boy in our NOTWAS family